Frühlingsfest Paderborn

Once more an enjoyable series of performances (Waldzauber and Der Nichtsnutz) in the culture-friendly city of Paderborn. This time we performed under the „protection“ of the city’s statue of Mary on the (what else could it be) Marienplatz. The audience – both young and old – were a pleasure to perform for. Even the drizzly rain that set on in the final performance of „Der Nichtsnutz“ didn’t daunt an avid group of children, who insisted on watching to the end. At the end we were quite damp but very contented!

[cml_media_alt id='1047']WZ Paderborn 4[/cml_media_alt] [cml_media_alt id='1048']WZ Paderborn[/cml_media_alt] [cml_media_alt id='1045']WZ Paderborn 2[/cml_media_alt]

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